Aligning your organization
for a better future.
No two organizations - or situations - are the same.
We work closely with business leaders and their teams to find out just who you are, where you want to take your organization and what challenges, on all levels, stand in your way. We then craft a customized plan to align your organization to where you want to be tomorrow, whether it is through a complex consulting project or a simple group engagement using one of our proprietary programs outlined below.
Some of the work we do:
- Leadership transitions
- Re-organizations
- Transformational shifts in how you work and think
- End-to-end process re-designs
- Catalyzing effectiveness across matrix roles for clarity and shared success
- Aligning leadership teams and/or organizations against a new future state
- Post-merger or organizational consolidations
Our tools and programs to support success:
We have developed an industry-leading suite of engaging tools, programs and products to support leaders and their teams in their evolution journeys. Each is designed to help people across disciplines not only understand and make meaning of the path ahead but also recognize the power of their roles as they evolve together.
For leaders
Success-factor based framework and planning tool designed to:
- Develop strategic and tactical plans to evolve the organization
- Provide a replicable framework for leaders to use for any change
- Help leaders diagnose strengths, opportunities and gaps to strategically align the desired future state
- Provide optics for how the organization is responding to a current evolution
For leaders and teams
Group engagements, programs and tools, grounded in the metaphor of story, designed to:
- Build clarity and alignment against a new future state
- Ignite self-responsibility for making it work
- Accelerate a team's progress in their journey together
- Build Change-Competent thoughts and behaviors